Having read and loved all of the Mitford books by Jan Karon, I was so happy to hear about her new Father Tim series. This first installment was beautifully written. It was so wonderful to go back in time to read about the characters from Father Tim's past and have them connect so lovingly to his present. Please don't start with this book though! Go back and read the all of the Mitford Series, to acquaint yourself with all of the wonderful characters.
The new year is here and I am enthralled once again with the potential of a new beginning. It isn't one of those bigger -than- day, obvious new beginnings, like moving to a new place, starting a new church, or having another baby. It's more subtle, and personal. For me, it is fresh journal pages, a new cross stitch project, a new Bible study, some fitness goals, attention to personal relationships, a closer walk with the Lord, and maybe trying something different.
I have barely been out of Alabama, and have only once been out of the south. I am married (happily) to Ken and we have 7 children ages 6 to 26, plus 2 adorable little grandsons. I am wholly devoted to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, though I often find myself wishing that my life was better proof of that. Most days find me at home (my favorite place) homeschooling my three sons Kenny 20, Stephen 15, and Sam 6. Our grown children Adonna, Jonna, Will, and Carolanne are grown and pursuing their own dreams. My family and friends and church and Lord sustain me.